Episode 337: I’m Talkin. . .Life

I’m talking episode 337 for September 29th, 2024.

This is Joel from the I’m talking microcast where I share my thoughts on a topic that has piqued my interest this past week.

This week we’re talking life.

So it’s a little surprising to me that this is the first time I’ve talked about the word life.

It seems like that would have been something that would have come up quite early.

And I think the reason that I haven’t is I’ve talked about a lot of words surrounding that, but life is a great word and has so many different uses.

And we’ll talk about that over the next couple of minutes.

So I was just thinking about how we use the word life.

And I was thinking of a few things like, you know, this person is, is living the good life.

And there’s lots of different meanings that could be blessed financially.

It could be blessed physically.

It could be blessed with a great family, those kind of things.

On the opposite side of that, we may say someone had a hard life and that just means things maybe just didn’t go their way.

And then we think of a heroic lines like the, my only regret is that I only have one life to give for my country.

Those are the things that, that light up a nation and, and you know, hoorah as we, we cheer behind the nation for which we live and we love.

And then the one thing we don’t talk about a lot in this world is what happens in the afterlife?

What happens at the end?

Is there one life?

Is, is there any such thing going on?

And then the other thing that we talk a lot about and we argue a lot about is who decides the importance of life and who gets to choose a life over another life.

Whether it be someone who’s more important or more significant versus least important or least significant and who gets to make those type of decisions, courts, governments, those types of entities.

And therein lies the challenge for those of us who call ourselves Christians.

As Christians, we have other ways that we look at life beyond the things that I’ve said before.

We, we talked about the sanctity of life and how important it is to treat it with a very high level of respect.

We talk about abundant life for my favorite verse in the Bible, John 10, 10, where it says, I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.

And then we talk about eternal life.

And that is something that many don’t believe in.

They, they don’t think there’s anything after what we go through these 70 years or whatever it is that we get to spend on this earth.

But as Christians, we believe fully in this eternal life with Christ Jesus, our savior.

And we also know that life is worth living, not just for each other, but for serving the God who we love, the God who we call savior, that makes life worth living through tragedy, through heartache, through joys, all of those things combined to make a life that is worth something, some legacy that we want to live.

Sorry, some legacy that we want to leave because of how we lived our life.

And the reason that is important is because we have an example in Jesus Christ and he gave his life so that we could have ours.

He gave up living.

He gave the life that he had so that we could live eternally with him and have a life that is beyond our imagination going into the future forever and never stopping.

And because of that, we need to live in the joy of that as we live our life in the place that it finds us at the current moment and never forgetting that Christ, that God is the keeper of life, the decision maker of life, the one who knows life is important until next week.

This is Joel from the I’m talking microcast.
