Episode 342: I’m Talkin…Knees

I’m talking episode 342 for November 3rd, 2024.

This is Joel from the I’m Talking microcast, where I share my thoughts on a topic that has piqued my interest this past week.

This week we’re talking knees.

As I was thinking about talking about the word knees in this microcast, I thought that’s kind of strange because it’s a, I mean, it’s a word and that’s what I choose, but you know, how do we make that fit into what I normally do on this microcast?

So we’ll see how that goes.

But the reality is that our knees are very important.

They are what gets us around.

I mean, obviously there’s multiple things in our legs that all work together for us to be mobile, but our knees seem to carry the majority of the weight and, you know, maybe figuratively and literally.

But the idea is, is that the mobility of the knees is so important for just everyday type of things, just the movement and the things we do.

We talk about exercise and those kinds of things.

And then the reality is that often what keeps us from being mobile is pain in our knees, not in our ankles, not in our hips, although hips is a big part too.

But it seems like knees are the things that keep us from being the people we want to be.

And it’s often one of the first joints, maybe the second, I don’t know if it’s the hip or the knee, but anyway, my personal experience and people that I know in my family, it seems like knees are a big part of things that need to be replaced to make sure that we’re maintaining our mobility.

And so knees become the importance to being who we would like to be.

And therein lies the challenge for those of us who call ourselves Christians.

As Christians, knees also keep us or make us who we should be as we follow God because knees allow us to get in a position of humility, to bow before an almighty God in reverence to who he is, to what he’s done for us.

And it’s often that position that allows us to pray more effectively.

And bended knee and approaching God’s throne with bended knee, that is a major theme of the New Testament and maybe the Old Testament as well.

The idea being, if we have the ability to bend our knees to the creator of the universe and to show him respect, then we have the ability to be more Christ-like.

And so you think of that, and especially in a sense of prayer, and I listened to a song that, you know, the idea is, can I pray anymore?

I’m just in a point where it’s just hard to follow Christ, and it’s hard to know if he’s listening and is he actually acting in my best interest.

And the singer goes on to say, let your knees wear out the floor.

And I think as Christians, we fail to remember that.

Myself included, that if our knees wear out the floor, we are prayer warriors.

Until next week, this is Joel from the I’m Talking Microcast.

And I’ll see you next week.
