Episode 349: I’m Talkin…Support

I’m Talking, episode 349, for December 22nd, 2024.

This is Joel from the I’m Talking microcast, where I share my thoughts on a topic that has piqued my interest this past week.

This week, we’re talking support.

So I thought I’d start again with the definition just to make sure we’re on the same page.

Support’s not a difficult word, but can be used in a number of different ways.

But the definition that I am focused on today is enabled to function.

In other words, the support that allows someone to become or do what they are supposed to, or what they are able to or unable to without your support, I guess.

And it really is a tough job.

Support can be time-consuming, it can be an unselfish act, and it doesn’t always have to be reciprocal.

And so it’s often really saved for those who are close to us, and maybe people who we think can do something for us, or maybe get ahead in a certain way because we support a certain person, or a group of people, or something like that.

And then also, we find that we like support when it is convenient.

And therein lies the challenge for those of us who call ourselves Christians.

As Christians, convenience, or people we like, or people that are close to us, even though those are times where we will support somebody, it’s not the end-all or be-all.

It is just something that is supposed to be part of our walk because of who we belong to.

And so we are called to support those who maybe we don’t always get along with.

And maybe we are called to support those who are unappreciated, or who are put down, or those kinds of things.

And through that support, people get to see the love of Jesus Christ.

And it’s not based on a mutual, reciprocal relationship.

It’s based on the fact that we are called as Christians to support other brothers and sisters in Christ, those who are marginalized, those who are down.

And it doesn’t mean they have to even have the same belief as us.

We are called to support people because God loves people.

We have to love people.

And the way that we show true love is to support regardless of circumstance, regardless of who the person is, regardless of status, regardless of all of those things that can be wrapped into why the world gives support.

We have to ignore that.

And we give support because we know that that is what God has called us to do because of the sacrifice He made by sending His Son.

And then we find that there’s joy in support as well because we feel good about it.

And it’s not just to make ourselves feel good, but it makes us feel good, but that’s not why we do it.

We do it because we’re called to do it.

We do it because it’s a responsibility.

We do it to share the love of Christ.

And when that happens, we can’t help but feel good.

So there’s support in being a person of support.

Until next week, this is Joel from the I’m Talking Microcast.
