Episode 355: I’m Talkin…Except

I’m Talking, episode 355 for February 2nd, 2025.

This is Joel from the I’m Talking Microcast, where I share my thoughts on a topic that has piqued my interest this past week.

This week we’re talking except.

This is except, E-X-C-E-P-T, not to be confused with accept.

And so quick definition, and I thought it was fairly simple.

It says not including, and they give you a couple sentences as examples.

But I think we understand what that means except for, or except this or that, whatever the case may be.

But it’s interesting in today’s world that that is often not acceptable.

It’s not acceptable to have except.

It’s a world that we say should be all inclusive, that everyone has their, their own rules that they can live by.

So you shouldn’t not include somebody because of what they think or how they act or those kinds of things.

But it’s often inclusive based on something, maybe not truth, maybe not science.

It may be on feelings more than anything else.

And it’s also inclusive for a given set of circumstances.

It’s hard to know because we don’t know what the rules are.

We don’t know what we’re living by.

And therein lies the challenge for those of us who call ourselves Christians.

So the word except comes this week from a verse in John, John 14, 6, that says, Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No one can come to the Father except through me.

It’s a concise verse.

It holds a lot of truth and it starts out that way.

I’m the way, the truth, and the life.

So Jesus establishes who he is right from the very beginning.

And this is really true, something you can base your except on.

And it says, no one comes to the Father except through me.

So everyone has access to God.

Everyone is included except for those who choose not to accept that the way to God is through Jesus Christ.

There is no other way.

So some people think that’s closed-minded and exclusive, but that’s not true at all.

It is totally inclusive except through Jesus Christ and his blood that he shed while dying on the cross, his resurrection.

That is the way to God.

It’s exceptionally true.

It is black and white.

It is all inclusive.

It is God’s design and rules, and because he is sovereign, he gets to make them.

So he doesn’t want any to perish.

He wants all to come to know him except through me, and that is Jesus’ exact words.

Until next week, this is Joel from the I’m Talking Microcast.
