Episode 362: I’m Talkin…Create

I’m talking episode 362 for March 23rd, 2025.

This is Joel from the I’m Talking microcast, where I share my thoughts on a topic that has piqued my interest this past week.

This week, we’re talking create.

I think people really like the word create, at least in its essence, and we really like people who are creative, who seem to make something really cool out of what we think is basically nothing.

I think of maybe cooks, where you open the refrigerator, and my mom used to make a meal out of what I thought was nothing, and it would be really good.

Or maybe you look at artists of some kind, or maybe writers, and all kinds of different creative minds in our world, that we really enjoy their work.

We enjoy the effort that goes into making something worthwhile, and we actually encourage people to be creative.

We try to draw that out of our children and teach them that there may be something in them that they are unaware of if they just do some searching.

And then we always give the credit to the person who is the creative mind behind the idea, words, art, whatever it may be.

And therein lies the challenge for those of us who call ourselves Christians.

So today’s word comes from Genesis 1.1, which says, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

So we see there a creative mind and what is done through that creativity in the world in which we live.

The problem is, and why it’s a challenge for those of us who are Christians, is there are few in the world who will give credit to the creator for the creation in which they live.

And so therein lies the challenge for us to say this is why the world is the way it is.

It’s because in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

And there’s a real difference between the creative nature of people and the creative nature of God.

Because God started from absolutely nothing.

And all the creative minds that we encourage, that we credit, that we applaud, started with something.

Some paint, some words, some medium, some something.

So there was only one, our great God, who ever started from nothing and made something so intricate, so beautiful, so intense, and so everlasting, even though it really isn’t going to be everlasting.

And yet the world in which we live refused to give the creator credit.

Until next week, this is Joel from the I’m Talking Microcast.
