Are you ready for the end? A very open question.
We need to offer unconditionally.
We must remember who God is and revere him.
A must have.
A special place.
Don’t let the weather steal your joy.
No need to look any further than Jesus.
No strings attached, free.
Let your knees wear out the floor.
More of Jesus
We are a representation and we represent. We model Christ.
What a beautiful symbol.
Any message from God must align with His written word.
Abundantly so.
Don’t rush unless you don’t know Jesus as savior.
Don’t rush unless you don’t know Jesus as savior.
Hearing is important for living.
He paid it all.
Play properly but take proper things seriously.
Belief can be very personal and impact how one lives.
So important to raise them correctly.
Fair is not always what we want or mean.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes, a 1,000 year reign.